Consistent Color


Our customers love the fact that PrintFactory’s workflow software prints better, more vivid, stronger, and more accurate color – consistently – on different substrates, in different conditions, miles and months apart.

Simply put, our device-link profiles send data about the color source directly to your printers. With PrintFactory, the color you want, is the color you get. Here’s how:


Unlike ICC profiles (which do calculations first in an intermediate color space), we remove the room for error that creeps in due to extra maths, wear and tear, differences in substrates, ink, or any outside influences.

Device-link profiling preserves color separation by doing direct CMYK-to-CMYK conversions, sending instructions directly to the color space of the target output devices – your printers.


The trouble is, designers can only do so much. They’ve been creative with their use of colour, they know how to choose a profile. The job looks great on a screen and the job looks great on a proof … and then it all falls apart when it gets to the press.

Sure, you can run the jobs to see if they match the artwork. But that’s an expensive and time-consuming way to work. You’re wasting ink, media, and money every day. Heat, moisture, wear and tear, printer drift and ink and media variances will all have an impact on the finished results, too. However, with PrintFactory’s Editor tool and a calibrated monitor, what you see on screen is exactly what you’ll print on the press.

No more make-readies. Imagine that.


With device-link profiles defining the settings for a first ‘golden state’, our software can benchmark successive outputs automatically – delivering iterative recalibration in almost real-time, reflecting and correcting instantly for changes caused by printing environments and media.

Put PrintFactory into action and your source color values are faithfully and reliably reproduced within each printer’s unique gamut. Your customers will get better color reproduction. Cleaner, more vivid color. And you’ll be printing consistently cheaper color too, without diluting saturation or dialling down your quality, because device-link profiles use a perfect visual match.


Our Calibrator turns the whole team into profile-ninjas. And our Editor will analyse the RGB and CMYK detail for you, to provide on-screen softproofs you can trust 100%.

PrintFactory’s Editor produces a soft proof that shows exactly what you’ll print, AND it gives you the option to make manual adjustments (if you really want to). You don’t need to waste ink, media, or money, getting it wrong. Just check you’re happy with what’s on screen and send it to the RIP. What you see on screen now, is what you’ll print – wherever your print devices may be.

Consistent color is guaranteed. As are your savings, using up to 20% less ink.

For More Information About Consistent Color Contact us

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