Get a More Efficient Workflow


We wanted a more efficient workflow. Until we installed PrintFactory, only one person could prep jobs for each RIP…

“Our workflow software sat on the computer holding the RIP. Normal, really. But there was a problem with that. It’s just not as efficient as it could be. Whenever we had to do prep work there, on that machine – adding bleeds and grommets, for example – then we’d be holding up every other part of our production. We needed a better solution, so that’s why we went with PrintFactory software…”


The trouble is, if you’ve tied one computer and its editing software to each RIP, then only one person can make corrections or add special instructions to a file. You can’t have two people preparing jobs at the same time. And in larger print businesses, where you’re running multiple RIPs, your team simply might not know all the software well enough to handle it.

There is a workaround, but it’s not clever. You can prep jobs on other workstations. But that means disconnected job bags … writing notes … files coming to the RIP from who knows where, stacked who knows when. It may not be a recipe for disaster, but it’s not efficient – and you’re constantly building in room for error. PrintFactory is the answer.

PrintFactory gives you a more efficient workflow.
It frees up your press operators to do what they do best: maintaining the presses

With our workflow software and RIP in place, you can get a job production-ready before it gets to the press. All the prep work can be done in one place, without specialist skills – or extra licenses for several copies of the same design software – and this leaves your press operators doing what they do best, maintaining and running the press. Here’s how it works…


It’s true, some press operators are very good at making design amends and prepping files quickly. That can be a real help in a small team, especially if they’ve picked up the color expertise that’s often needed, too.

But let’s face it. While those minutes or hours spent lending a hand can help production to flow faster in the short term… it also means those operators can’t be focused on maintenance or running the presses.

Plus, every time you divide prep-work between your press operators and your pre-press team, there’s a risk of more mistakes creeping in.

PrintFactory solves those problems, which means you stop building in room for error. Our workflow software checks jobs for errors, and corrects and normalises the files automatically to deliver ISO-standard, compliant, error-free jobs. Perfect color; corrections made; and problems addressed before the files reach the press.

PrintFactory speeds up your production and focuses your press operators’ time on what they do best.

For More Information About Get a More Efficient Workflow Contact us

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